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Podcasts & Shows


Join TV host and car enthusiast Dennis Buterbaugh as he reviews "Cool Cars." These are the kind of cars that are part of our day to day lives.  Some of them just might be a future classic!  

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Named “Most Influential & Relatable Automotive Storyteller” in 2020 by Four Barrel Media, JP Emerson trades his pen, paper and PC for the world of Podcasts!  Tune in as JP talks with some of the biggest, most influential or significant guests each week as they tell their story on the JP Emerson Show!

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Old Cars, your authority on the entire field of collectible automobiles, from the classic touring cars and roadsters of the early 1900s to the popular muscle cars of the 1960s and 70s, including historical perspectives and facts on cars and their manufacturers, reports on attractions at upcoming shows, auction news and results, show reports, and more, brings you the Rollin' With Old Cars podcast. The podcast is part informative, part light-hearted but a whole lotta fun!

The crew over at Old Cars sit down and talk with industry leaders and old car fanatics just like you. News, reviews, trends and pretty much any old car topic under the sun is fair game. Tune in and enjoy the ride.

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For 167 weeks spanning 3+ years, Darren Reighard, host of the Cars of Carlisle podcast, went behind the scenes of the WORLD FAMOUS car shows at Carlisle as well as other automotive related topics.  Though his podcast journey has concluded, you can still check out Darren's catalog of content.  Check them out today and enjoy the ride!  

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